The latest leaked images of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 show off what is allegedly the front panel of the devices. While no measurements were provided alongside the images, according to previous leaks the device is set to feature a 5.7-inch diagonal - up from the 5.5" on the Note II.
While the panel follows Samsung's design strategy, the corners are more defined than on the Note II as well, which lends itself to a more business-oriented marketing approach (think BYOD).
We'll find out more about the Note 3 at IFA in Berlin on September 4, where Samsung is expected to officially announce the device.
There's word that the phablet will be powered by either a Snapdragon 800 or Exynos 5 Octa chipset, feature 3GB of RAM and run on Android 4.3, so be sure to check back with us then for all the juicy details.
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