After appearing in an Android KitKat promo video, going through the FCC, and sitting unattended in a bar, the yet to be announced Nexus 5 smartphone made another unscheduled appearance. This time around, a live photo of the LG made Android powerhouse popped up in a forum thread at Macrumors.
The latest live photo of the Nexus 5 falls right in line with previous leaks. It clearly shows the handsets relationship with the 2013 Nexus 7, thus further reaffirming that Google is on its way to unify the design of its own family of devices. The user who uploaded the photo has subsequently taken it down, so theres no reason to doubt its authenticity.
The person who posted the image also left a couple of quick hands-on impressions. The Nexus 5 is said to be smaller than an LG G2 and (unsurprisingly) feeling a lot like the latest Nexus 7.
Earlier today, we also ran into most of the Nexus 5s specs from a leaked log. Now that there is little left to the imagination, all were left with is to wait for the official announcement. The latter is expected to take place in October.
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