Samsung launched its Galaxy S5 Mini smartphone in Russia earlier this month. The mini variant of the companys flagship smartphone is already up for grabs in Germany and the device will soon be available in the United Kingdom, too.
Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini will hit the stores in the UK on August 7. The S5 Mini will also be available from Samsungs online store as well as from retailers like Phones 4u. Samsungs latest Mini device comes in gold, blue, black and white color options.
Samsung has announced an expected retail price of £389.95 for its Galaxy S5 Mini smartphone, which is quite expensive considering the fact that the device is retailing for about 380 in Germany.
To refresh your memory, the S5 Mini sports a 4.5-inch HD display and is powered by a 1.4GHz quad-core processor along with 1.5GB of RAM. It features an 8 megapixel rear shooter with LED flash, 2.1 megapixel front facing camera and 16GB of internal memory. The IP67 rated smartphone runs on Android 4.4 KitKat and packs a 2,100mAh battery.
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