BlackBerry has launched its newest smartphone, the BlackBerry Passport, in India. The phone is priced at a steep ₹49,990 ($813), about the same as most flagship Android phones and even more than the current iPhone 5s pricing in India.
The BlackBerry Passport has an unusual shape that is actually the exact same size as an actual international passport. It has an oddly shaped 4.5-inch, 1440x1440 resolution, perfectly square display, full QWERTY keyboard with a capacitive touch layer on the keys for performing gestures, Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 SoC, 3GB RAM, 32GB storage space, 13 megapixel camera (that takes square photos), BlackBerry OS 10.3 with Android app support and Amazon Appstore pre-installed.
The Passport will be available through Amazon India exclusively till October 10. The phone will be available for pre-order soon.
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