Google's Android One series of smartphone recently launched in India but has been limited to one country for now. However, the phones will now be available in Europe, with Amazon beginning the sales of the Karbonn Sparkle V on its UK website.
The Sparkle V is available for £129.99 on Amazon UK SIM free, which about the same as other low-end Android phones in the market such as the Moto G. As an added bonus, the phone will be available on Black Friday for £99.99, making it really good value.
So far only one of the three Android One phones is being launched in Europe but with all of them being mostly identical it shouldn't matter much.
Judul: Karbonn Sparkle V to be the first Android One device in Europe
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Ditulis Oleh 02.44
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Ditulis Oleh 02.44
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