The Oppo N3 was announced two months ago, but its yet to hit the shelves. The smartphone was initially promised to hit 20 markets by the end of the year, but it couldnt quite manage to fit inside this deadline. Now however we are getting some signs that the delay might be a pretty minor one.
The smartphone with a motorized camera has just cleared Chinese telecommunications authority TENAA getting a network license. This means the Oppo N3 can be legally sold in its homeland and it should be hitting the shelves any moment now. Given the companys initial release plans we expect at least a few more markets to join China in the first wave.
As luck would have it, we just published our Oppo N3 review so you can go check it out to get all your questions about the phablet answered. If you decide to go for it, you should be prepared to part with about $649.
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Ditulis Oleh 04.47
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