Samsung has launched its unique Galaxy Note Edge smartphone in the Indian market. The phone is priced at 64,900 INR ($1023) and will be available in the first week of January in black and white color options.
The Galaxy Note Edge is essentially the Note 4 with a unique curved display. The curve on the side shows additional information, which can be accessed while the main display is switched off or being used for some other content.
The price is quite high and a lot more than even the Galaxy Note 4, which itself is quite expensive. Then again, Samsung never intended to sell this device in big numbers and it's more of a showcase for the curved display technology than anything else.
Judul: Samsung launches the Galaxy Note Edge in India
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Ditulis Oleh 04.12
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Ditulis Oleh 04.12
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