The Lumia Denim update has started rolling out to the T-Mobile Nokia Lumia 925. It bumps the software version to 3051.50009.1451.0018, and brings along features like the ability to shoot 4K video as well as faster camera start-up and shutter speeds.
The update, which is roughly 530MB in size, should be available for download OTA now. To check, go to Settings -> Phone Update and then tap on Check for updates.
If you receive the error 'Update needs more space' while performing the update, head to this T-Mobile support page.
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Judul: Denim update rolling out for the T-Mobile Nokia Lumia 925
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Ditulis Oleh 22.13
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Ditulis Oleh 22.13
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