Xiaomi has maintained its top position in the Chinese smartphone market in the first quarter. According to a tweet (which cites a report from research firm IHS Technology) sent out by the company's India head, the company sold 14.2 million of the 99 million devices sold in the country in Q1.
Xiaomi sold 14.2M smartphones out of 99M sold in Q1'15 in China, as per IHS. We are #1 :) @xiaomi @MiIndiaOfficial http://ift.tt/1QHBE8t
Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) April 28, 2015
This translates into 14% market share for the five year old company. Huawei and Apple followed with 11% share each, while Samsung and Vivo rounded up the top five with 10 and 9% market share, respectively.
In addition to China, Xiaomi is now heavily focusing on India, where it recently announced its first made for India smartphone, the Mi 4i.
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