New details have emerged about the Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo, which has seen several leaks up till now. According to a report from Sammobile, the device will be powered by an Exynos 7580 SoC with 64-bit octa-core CPU clocked at 1.6GHz, and a Mali-T720 GPU.
In addition, the handset will feature a 5MP front camera, just like the S6. All other specs remain the same as that of the S5 - a 5.1-inch Super AMOLED display with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, 2GB RAM, 16GB of internal memory, 16MP rear camera, and 2,800 mAh battery.
The report also notes that the S5 Neo will come in both single- as well as dual-SIM variants (running Android 5.1 Lollipop out of the box), and will feature LTE-A connectivity. There was, however, no word on the release date of the device.
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Ditulis Oleh 03.14
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